Home/Teri Wingo

Teri Wingo


Senior Director

Get to Know Teri

Teri Wingo joined Abacus CPAs in January of 2008. She is currently a Senior Director for our Transportation division. Teri specializes in the areas of Tax, Accounting, Business Formation, and Business Consulting for the Transportation Industry. Teri has over 15 years of experience working with drivers. She is passionate about creating, developing, and maintaining partnerships with Abacus employees to help assist our clients with business tax strategies to increase, maximize, and leverage their business to its fullest potential.

Teri proudly attended Drury University. Teri and her husband, Tyler, were married in 1990 and have two children, Trenton and Tessa. Outside of work, Teri loves spending time with her family, going on vacation, watching ballgames, taking long drives, and just spending quality family time together! Teri is also extremely active in our community. She volunteers at many local organizations such as the Ozarks Food Harvest, Ronald McDonald House, Bridges for Youth, and the Ozark Youth Soccer Program. She has also served as a Sunday school teacher at her church for many years.

Teri’s Kolbe A Index Results Show That…

Teri excels at providing highly dependable, comprehensive methods for monitoring activity. Others can depend upon her to check things out, itemize inconsistencies, and present practical diagrams and schedules.

Teri’s Top 5 Clifton Strengths

  1. Responsibility 2. Developer 3. Arranger 4. Empathy 5. Achiever

Teri’s Unique Ability

Teri’s Unique Ability is to assist others by being thorough and dependable, focusing on supporting and encouraging others, creating a positive environment.

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