Home/Traci Morrow

Traci Morrow


Senior Associate

Get to Know Traci

Traci Morrow is the go-to payroll specialist at Abacus CPAs and brings more than 20 years of experience and knowledge to the table.  Traci works with multiple businesses ranging from a large camping resort, factories, restaurants, local attractions, and many insurance agencies, assisting them with payroll questions and bookkeeping issues.

Traci is a life-long learner with a certification from Tri-Star Business School and has taken additional courses in accounting at Wright State University.  Traci continues to take various payroll-related classes to hone her skills, as she prides herself on providing excellent customer service to her clients. She takes a payroll law class every year and is also a licensed Certified Payroll Specialist.

In her spare time, Traci enjoys cooking and traveling and is fascinated especially with Italy and some of the Islands in the Caribbean. She also enjoys spending time with her family on the beach when she is not working in the remote Florida office.

Traci’s Kolbe A Index Results Show That…

Traci is especially strong at creating models, displays, or functions around central themes. She will include a series of objects or activities that not only relate to each other but have some lasting value.

Traci’s Top 5 Clifton Strengths

  1. Relator 2. Empathy 3. Harmony 4. Responsibility 5. Discipline

Traci’s Unique Ability

Traci’s unique ability is client interaction and project management using passion and empathy to create “happy” long-term client relations and to represent firm pride.

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